What does a watch tell us about its wearer?

Klaus Botta, 05.09.2016

Experts believe that a wristwatch reflects its wearer’s personality more than any other accessory. In their opinion, it gives subtle clues to the wearer’s character and nature. With a little background knowledge and experience, it is therefore possible to quickly find out quite a lot about another person.

Similarities give rise to sympathies

Birds of a feather flock together, as the proverb goes. Scientists put this in somewhat more complicated terms, claiming that similarities give rise to mutual sympathies. This is true not only of our relationships with other people, but also of our relationships with products. We tend namely to surround ourselves with products that reflect our character – or at least the way we perceive ourselves or would like to appear. Or we like to choose products that will translate or convey our supposed character to others in the form of an image. In this sense, the products serve as ambassadors.

However, as is so often the case in psychology and sociology, categorically thinking in stereotypes does not help. It is therefore important to view these signs merely as an indication of certain characteristics rather than as an absolute judgement. Interpreting what a watch might mean, and thereby attempting to interpret the character of its wearer, should be nothing more than a bit of fun, and should not be taken too seriously.

Wristwatches and personality traits

Try to consider which types of people might wear which types of wristwatch. You are bound to discover quickly that certain patterns keep recurring. Here are some examples of character and personality traits that can be identified relatively easily:

  • Is the wearer more progressive and forward-looking, or more conservative and stuck in the past? This will be reflected fairly reliably by the watch’s own character.

  • Is the wearer more pragmatic and functional, or playful and upbeat? The type of display and the material and colour of the watch play a key role here.

  • Is the wearer more authentic and reliable, or more interested in keeping up appearances? In terms of the watch they wear, the question is whether it is an original or a copy.

  • Is the wearer more focused on long-term value or fast living? The choice of material and the craftsmanship of the watch can provide useful clues here.

  • Is the wearer interested in lots of things, or do they tend to get bored easily? Their watch will reflect this very directly.

  • Does the wearer tend to take a long-term view or are they more spontaneous and erratic? The latter is often expressed in the fact that the wearer will frequently change their watch, follow trends and tend to pick a design arbitrarily. By contrast, a long-term orientation is expressed in long-lasting products.

  • Is the wearer a calm and collected person or someone who follows every fashion? The design of their watch will give a very clear indication of this.

No watch on the wrist? What does that tell us?

In future, look more often at the watch that someone is wearing on their wrist. You will be amazed at how quickly you will learn to understand and interpret the “language of products”.

And then you will find yourself asking what it means when a person does not wear a watch at all. Of course, there is no universal statement that will apply to everyone, as there may be many different reasons. These can range from a pronounced pragmatism or a conscious desire to do without a watch, to a strong yearning for independence.

Or perhaps the person in question simply hasn’t been introduced to our BOTTA watches yet…

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